Select Dealer Service Website Development

Select Dealer Service offers a complete partnership for their Dealer clients. They help their clients generate incremental income and offer exemplary services, support, and training.
Select Dealer Service aims to help Dealer clients identify and improve on lost opportunities and falling efficiency in the organization. They also help clients restructure, and delivery more simplified practices, products, processes and training for the entire company.


Web Design & Development

The problem

With the goal to digitalize the services and create a fully user-facing website, Select Dealer Service website needed to be a one-stop solution for the clients.

The solution

We designed Select Dealer Service to be an intuitive digital platform that helps visitors to have a smooth experience navigating through the website and find all the information they might need.

The results

Select Dealer Service, the digital platform is a reliable, secure, contemporary, feature-rich and highly-functional website. With a simple interface, we have built an exceptional website where users can easily find the information they are looking for and want to come back for the user-focused experience.

User-friendly, easy-to-navigate and simple interface, with the content-centered and informative flow, the website offers a meaningful experience.

Thorough information and user-oriented features and functions, Select delivers the promise of top-notch services, support, and training


Web UI/UX Design

The steps taken from the preliminary development considerations to the final launch of the Website.

  • We discuss the core problem the app will solve for the client.
  • Identifying the target user, mobile platforms and devices, and revenue model for the client’s Website.
  • Designing the Website which involves concentrating on the essentials features in UI and multi-touch gestures for devices with respect to the design standards.
  • We select the right approach for Website development according to the time and budget constraints of the client.
  • Next we transform your idea into an application prototype keeping intact the basic functionality.
  • Recognize the beta testers, acknowledge their feedback and integrate the necessary ones.
  • We hand over the Website to the client through strict deployment management ensuring the integrity of live environment is secure at all times.
  • Capturing powerful metrics for social sharing, funnel analysis, demographic data, time and location, and emergent behavior of the client’s user base.
  • Improvement is a never-ending process and we make regular updates in the client’s app with new, powerful features.
  • Besides the launch, we also offer clients some lightweight marketing endeavors to ensure that their app doesn’t get lost in the countless other names in the app stores.